Growing Up with Faith: A Guide for Today’s Kids
In the hustle and bustle of our modern day,
We’ve lost something precious along the way.
A treasure of wisdom, both old and true,
That once guided children like me and you.
Remember the stories our grandparents told?
Of heroes and gods, both brave and bold?
These weren’t just tales to pass the time,
But lessons of life, almost sublime.
Take Krishna and Sudama, friends so dear,
Their bond stayed strong year after year.
It shows us friendship’s true worth,
Beyond all the riches on this Earth.
Or think of Rama, who gave up his crown,
To keep his father’s promise sound.
It teaches us to honor our word,
Even when it seems quite absurd.
These stories did more than just entertain,
They taught us values, again and again.
How to be kind, honest, and true,
And the importance of all that we do.
But nowadays, our kids seem lost,
Glued to screens at any cost.
They’re smart with tech and quick to learn,
But for life’s big lessons, where do they turn?
Schools teach math and science well,
But on values, they rarely dwell.
It’s up to us, as parents dear,
To bring these teachings back, loud and clear.
Now, let’s talk about right and wrong,
And how our actions make us strong.
When we choose to do what’s right,
Our hearts feel light, our future bright.
Remember the tale of the boy who lied,
About a wolf, just for a ride?
When real danger came his way,
No one believed what he had to say.
This story shows, in simple rhyme,
How lying can cost us, big time.
It’s better to stick to the truth,
In our old age and in our youth.
And what about schemes and tricks so sly?
They might seem smart, but by and by,
They catch up with us, don’t you see?
Just like it did with Shakuni in Mahabharat’s spree.
His dice were loaded, his heart was dark,
His schemes lit a destructive spark.
In the end, he lost it all,
Teaching us that cheaters will fall.
But when we believe in something good,
And stand by it, as we should,
Our confidence grows, we feel so strong,
Ready to face whatever comes along.
Think of young Prahlad, so brave and true,
Who stood by his faith, come what may do.
His father threatened, the world seemed grim,
But his belief in God saved him.
This story tells us, loud and clear,
With faith in our hearts, we need not fear.
We can face challenges, big and small,
And stand up straight, proud and tall.
So parents, let’s take some time each day,
To share these stories in a fun way.
Tell them at bedtime, or while you play,
Let the lessons sink in, come what may.
Visit temples, join in prayers,
Show them how your community cares.
Celebrate festivals with joy and zest,
Explain their meanings with interest.
And as you teach, remember this too,
These stories are meant for me and you.
They guide us all, both young and old,
Their wisdom more precious than gold.
In this world of push and shove,
Let’s raise kids full of faith and love.
With values strong and spirits high,
They’ll spread their wings and touch the sky.
So let’s bring back this education,
For the future of our great nation.
With hearts and minds both shining bright,
Our children will lead us to the light.